Day #1 of the book tour at The Author-in-Training was fun! Thanks to Mieke Zamora-Mackay for hosting me yesterday. The tour continues today at A Book and a Review, so be sure to head over there–you’ll find a blog post from me about the role of destiny in THE TRAJECTORY OF DREAMS and a chance to win a signed copy of the novel, along with a lucky keyring.
Just so you know, you can enter the giveaways at each stop of the tour for two full weeks! So if you’re dying to have an ecopy of the novel instead of a paperback, the raffle at The Author-in-Training will be open for entry for a while yet.
Some of the folks who pre-ordered copies of THE TRAJECTORY OF DREAMS have already started to receive them, which is sort of neat. What’s particularly funny is getting comments from people as they’re reading. The one that made me laugh yesterday was from my friend, Laurel:
Nicole – this is REALLY good! Not that I expected any less from you but…damn girl.
It’s nice to get one like that before receiving the email that will say something like, “Oh my god, you’re completely crazy and deserve to be committed.”