The first time you do anything, it’s scary. Or at least intimidating. Today was my very first public reading of THE TRAJECTORY OF DREAMS, and to compensate I over-prepared, as one does. Or, you know, as I do. I was worried no one would show up to The Wise Owl Bookstore, and I’d end up reading to myself for an hour. Or someone would ask a question I wouldn’t know how to answer. Or worse: I’d end up babbling like the village idiot.
Maybe I shouldn’t be admitting that, but it’s true! I am a worrier of the highest order.
Luckily, everything went great! A fantastic crowd showed up to the bookstore, and no one even fell asleep while I was reading the first chapter.

Oh, and there were astronaut rubber duckies! One intrepid soul already sent me a photo of her rubber ducky (named in my honor: Nic McDuck) on the car ride home, rocking out to Fall Out Boy. So yeah, if you get an astronaut rubber ducky through a giveaway or an event, send me photos of your duck doing stuff…I’ll post them here because, you know, I’m easily amused.
So thanks to everyone who came out for my very first author event ever (and thanks to Kira, the owner of The Wise Owl, for having me)! I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget today for as long as I live.
If you missed today’s event, there are a bunch more coming up. In two weeks (April 20), I’ll be at Farley’s Bookshop in New Hope, PA. You can also catch me at Book Expo America (more details on that to come) at the end of May/beginning of June, and on June 8 I’ll be doing an author event at The Doylestown Bookshop. Oh, and there’s something tentatively scheduled for early June in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
2 Responses
Totally want an astronaut rubber duck now 😉 congrats on your reading!
Thank you! I should probably be more careful about tossing those ducks at people. I’m going to take someone’s eye out. Hah!