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Listen Up!

Every morning is the same: my alarm goes off, and I check my phone for new alerts. This morning the first alert I saw was

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Birthday Updates

It’s my birthday week, which is always an exciting time for me. I almost always take a few days off from my day gig, and

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Bodies Full of Burning

It’s February, which means it’s birthday month for me–I’ll be turning 49 in about three weeks, and menopause has been on my mind. And so

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Winter, She Has Come

From the moment I saw the cover of the Shiver anthology, edited by horror writer Nico Bell, I knew it was going to be a

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Of December and COVID-19

Let’s face it, 2020 has been a dumpster fire in general for most people–and that’s being nice. This year I’ve had some good publishing luck

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